Sunday, February 23, 2020

copy google doc and export to create blogger file

test google sites

TIME information highway 143
In the Milwaukee and
Okaukee / Chenequa region
…………………….ne →  neutrons
At ……………  Pine lake 

Neutron WAR casualty 
Harry V. Quadracci (January 10, 1936 – July 29, 2002) founded Quad/Graphics with his wife ... Death[edit]. Quadracci died at 66 years old at
Pine Lake in Chenequa, Wisconsin.
He suffered from …
…> super-symmetry  problems

He suffered from …
He suffered from …
………………….Frs ..OM  awareness and
problems of nearby
Bertrand Arthur William Russell,
3rd Earl Russell, OM FRS
(18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British philosopher, logician, 
mathematician, historian, writer, essayist, social critic, political activist, and Nobel laureate.
3rd Earl Russell
3rd Ear l Russell
3rd Earth  Language …..
……….ll → parallel existences, expressions,
And language mutations of ….
………….gauge theory bio-physics 

Wisconsin earth land vibrations
………… sine ….

He suffered from …an unknown
medical incident which resulted in …
…….. Cal
…….. Calcutta India secret sin wave attacks
….... Calcutta secret languages
…….. Cal
…….. Calculus with Satyendra Nath Bose 

Manmohan Singh is an Indian economist, academic, and politician who served as the 13th Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. The first Sikh in office, ...
Political party‎: ‎Indian National Congress
Residence‎: ‎3 Motilal Nehru Marg, ‎New Delhi
Awards‎: ‎Padma Vibushan‎; ‎Adam Smith Prize

Tesla's Earth atomic

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Test drag and drop

6th Clue
DNA is known in genetic/molecular cell biology. Additional information on DNA power is its
law of math life and algebraic subets…..used by the DNA decision process in the symbolic selection of human messengers –>as writers, authors, messenger for the atomic English langauge and its molecular English language social science expressions. What was the algebraic subset rule of selection used by DNA?
DNA –> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters + Base 4 letters.
DNA –> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c + A c i d
Subset: D ..o …y ………….Le
–> author of Sherlock Holomes and DR.Watson
Now DNA has both a physical life and a symbolic Life !
Sir Arthur Connan Doyle wrote about DNA symbolic life….and later in 1953…emerged Nature’s next version of DNA destiny with the 2nd DR.Watson at Cavendish Labs. Cavendish Labs will not discuss the project plan of Nature in year 2013; they have elite and exclusive views about their supremacy over Nature.

The year 0000 between B.C. time and A.D Time is important.
Thus in year 0000 DNA embarked upon symbolic development projects and abstract thought systems.
It took 100 years (1 Century) for each of the 16 letters of the DNA word TO THINK…thus a total of 1600 years and then the messages of William Shakespeare.
DNA –> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters + Base 4 letters.
DNA –> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c + A c i d

Now we are left with the time period from year 1600 to 2000…a 400 year time period for the 4 DNA nucleotides to think some more…..and we see the astrophysics DNA messages take form with:
year 1940 astrophysics DNA base 4 exponent 0 and logarithms in Logan, Utah and

drag image into blooger

Images and text draged from  B2 Evolution

We have the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab)
and Norway --> Nor + way.
Nor --> North Star sky frame of reference with the
Nor --> North Pole magnetic data field
Way --> Milky Way Universe agent country of Nor.Way
........Milk ....agent.. dairy state of Wisconsin, Little Norway
Little Norway <--super-symmetry galactic agents--> Norway
Thus Norway and their neighboring countries were expected to lead the WAY. The agents of the NORTH STAR (symbolic life) were to provide social engineering vector leadership under the proper noun project labels: Viking and Thor.
--> Viking --> V i k --> Vectors i,j,k engineering integers (like x,y,z in high school algebra or physics graphs).
Social engineering vectors that are EARTH LAB parallel processing to mechanical engineering.
--> THOR with astrophysics    TH.e.OR.y    logarithms   life format agent:     Kip S. THORne from   mathematical-physics logarithmic land location Logan, Utah.

Thus Sweden, Norway,
Finland (Find land agent near Little Norway, Wisconsin),
Denmark (parallel Dane County, Wisconsin), etc.....had Nature's project parameters on mathematical life and the mathematical dimension of the political sciences.
In addition, we have the G = universal gravitational constant --> Government of Nature and its gravity social engineering thoughts. Gravity interacts with brain atomic mass in the human data gravity thought waves.

Of course,
Nature's Government
-------> G over region n men
is the G = universal gravitational constant for humans with the
gravity constant message to the city of Constantinople.
Of course, those physicists ignore words of Nature's intellect;
as do Norway and the other European countries.

Also, we have the North Pole magnetic data field interaction with the iron Hemoglobin proteins of humans ....but Norwegians and others don't respect that thought concept.

The atomic language uses the 26 proton alphabet letters of ferrous oxide atom and the Iron Hemoglobin proteins as a biochemistry communications string .....but IRON social biochemistry messages are ignored .....and the entertainment industry invents inaccurate, substitue messages. Norway ought respect the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology languages of the iron mines in Norway; but they don't even try to learn.

The GM automotive assembly line factories are really Earth Lab test sites on the GM intersection interaction in bio-physics structures with ironic WORD thoughts ......with G = Gravity and M = Magnetic field. The theory of gravity field and magnetic field SCIENCE WAR casualties has been discussed on other blogs. The denial of these factors has created a serious problem for various SILENT universities ..... as they fail to cooperate into these Einstein FIELD THEORY war casuaties.